Thursday, October 4, 2012

Review Lipstik

Dear blogie.. Hari ini aku mau share beberapa lipstik yg pernah aku pakai. Ini nih beberapa lipstiknya yg ntar mau aku review satu per satu :

Yup dan ini review per lipstiknya :

★Revlon Colorburst warna rosepearl perle rose ★

Klo lipstik ini lebih ke lipgloss jadi kesannya mengkilap gitu di bibir dan karena ada pearl nya jadi tambah blink blink. Kelebihannya, untuk jenis lipgloss termasuk yg tahan lama di bibir. Kekurangannya karena ada pearl nya jadi kurang bisa dipake waktu kasual coz bling bling bok hehe..
Rating (1-5) : 3

★ PAC Lipgloss ★

Ini juga cenderung lipgloss..jadi walaupun kayaknya warnanya merah banget tapi sebenernya cuma keliatan merah dikit di.bibir dan kelihatan glossynya yg banget. Kalau blogie da yang suka warna warna yang beragam, ada pilihan wRna hijau jg lo buat lipgloss ini hehe. Kelebihan lipgloss ini isinya yang byk dan ga terlalu liquid. Kekurangannya mesti pke kuas nih aplikasiinnya ke bibir dan kurang tahan lama.
Rating 1-5 : 3

★ Revlon super lustrous lipstik warna rose velvet ★

Yupp kalau yang ini lebih matte dibanding dua sebelumnya. Cuma msh ada kesan glossy nya kok. Warnanya merah agak gelap. Kelebihannya di harga yg terjangkau plus warnanya yg bagus. Kekurangannya kurang tahan lama.
Rating 1-5 : 3,5

★ Wardah Exclusive Lipstik warnA rosemary ★

Gara-gara nulis blog ini jd nyadar deh kalo kebanyakan lipstikku warnamya rose hehe. Ini lipstik paling bagus deh menurutku! awalnya sempet underestimate sama wardah, ehh ga taunya bagus bgt. Warna lipstik yg ini pink muda bagus. Kelebihannya di harga, tahan lama, warnanya yg buanyak pilihan. Kekurangan emm.. Katanya sih kalau udah dipake lama bakal ilang efek agak glossy nya tapi aku juga blm tau.
Rating 1-5 : 4,6!

★ Wardah mate lipstik warna velvet brown ★

Nahhh kalau lipstik yg ini matte dan sama skli ga glossy. Kenapa aku milih bli matte, karena biar super tahan lama, klo mau glossy kn tinggal nambahin lip gloss. Warna lipstikku yg ini agk coklat tp ga gelap kok. Kelebihannya di harga, tahan lama, ma warnanya yg jelas karena ga ketutup ma glossy. Kekurangannya klo lama2 dipake kesannya di bibir kering.

Rating 1-5 : 4

★ Wardah wondershine ★

Hehehe wardah nya banyak ya.. abis lagi cinta bgt sama produk ini. pertama karena asli produk dalam negeri. kedua karena halalnya terjamin. Ketiga karena kualitas dan harganya oke. Yg ini emang glossy bgt,biasanya aku pakai setelah lipstik yg agak matte.
yg kiri warnanya soft pink sedangkan yg kanan nude pink. kelebihannya glossy tapi tahan lama. Kekurangannya kadang berminyak bgt di bibir..makanya kalau pakai ini jgn kebanyakan ya hehe.

Rating 1-5 : 4

ini nih hasil olesan semua lipstik tersebut

atas-bawah : urut kayak urutan review .

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Make up wisuda by my self

Mau share tentang wisuda lagi. Kali ini tentang make up nya bloggiee..
Dulu waktu wisuda aku make up sndri lo hehe..sebenernya ga susah kok kan yg natural aja. Jadi kayak gini nih make up nyaa..

♥ untuk mata : cream eyeshadow ranee krem, wardah eyeshadow pallete biru + sariayu eyeshadow coklat, liquid eyeliner item, bulu mata palsu, maskara, pensil alis coklat

♥ wajah : liquid foundation, cream foundation, bedak tabur+ sedikit bedak padat, peach blush on.

♥ bibir : lip liner merah and lipstik merah-coklat

♥ rambut : my handmade sirkam, hair roller, mousse, hairspray

Hehehe untungnya jadi pecinta make up jadi bisa dandan yah walopun dikit-dikit :D


Yihaaa! Yihaaa! Akhirnya wisssudaaaahhh :D

tanggal 21 September 2012 kemarin akhirnya wisuda deh, alhamdulillah. Sebenernya sedih seneng nyampur waktu wisuda. Seneng, tentu aja, udah 4 tahun kuliah akhirnya kelar juga. kelar dengan bebagai liku-liku, mulai dari ospek waktu Maba, banyaknya praktikum, banyaknya tugas, apalagi tugas ke luar kampus kayak nyari perusahaan gitu, and yang pasti lika-likunya Tugas Akhir tersyayanggg hehe..
Sedihnya, yaa..berarti tambah deket sama tanggal berangkat training ODP BNI ke Jakarta, pisah sama ortu, keluarga, pacar juga =( Tapi yang jelas aku pasti kembali ke mereka juga sih, berdoa semoga ditempatin di kediri ya Bloggie, amiinnn ^-^
Terimakasih untuk semua yang udah mendukung ane sampai wisuda deh :*
Allah SWT
Orang Tua
Keluarga Besar
Pacar tersayang <3
Temen-temen TI, ITS, SD-SMA
Dosen-Dosen TI
Dosen Pembimbing TA
Calon Mertua (uhukkk!)
Temen-Temen ODP BNI

Semuuuaaaaaaaa pokoknyaaa..makasih banyakkkk >...<

Foto-foto wisuda.. very lovely moment :*

ODP BNI.. wellcome :)

akhirnya tembus juga ke ODP BNI, lebih tepatnya dengan program ERP (Early Recruitment Program). Awalnya emang belum pernah membayangkan akan jadi pegawai bank - kalau kerja di public services sih iya, tapi ga terlalu mbayangin bakal ke bank- tapi akhirnya mungkin memang di sini tempat yang diberikan oleh Tuhan amiinn.
Well, untuk temen-temen yang mungkin membutuhkan informasi tentang ERP atau ODP nya BNI, aku mau share sedikit ya, sesuai sama apa yang aku tahu.
ERP sendiri sebenernya adalah program BNI untuk menjaring calon lulusan dari beberapa universitas yang ditunjuk. Calon lo yaa..karena tes nya emang diadakan sebelum kita lulus. Dulu aku dapat semacam undangan gitu lewat email untuk ikutan tes, trus aku pikir nggak ada ruginya juga kalau ikut, so i just do it. Beberapa temen juga dapet undangan sih - kebetulan yang diundang waktu itu mahasiswa yang semester 8 dan IPK >3- tapi beberapa takut ikut karena takut itu kedok alias penipuan. Sempet kepikiran juga sih, tapi begitu liat tempat tesnya kok ada di Gedung Grahanya BNI yang jadi pusat di Sby, agak ga masuk akal juga kalau ada orang yang berani nipu tapi pake alamat yang jadi pusatnya BNI. So, mungkin untuk temen-temen yang takut-takut sama undangan kayak gitu lebih dicermati saja, mungkin emang ada oknum yang jahat bikin penipuan berkedok recruitment, tapi pasti banyak juga yang bener-bener berniat rekrut kan :D

Oke, ini nih tahapan-tahapan tesnya ODP BNI :
  1. Tes TOEFL. Yap tahap pertamanya tes TOEFL ini. Yang bisa melampaui target dari BNI untuk tes TOEFL nya akan diloloskan - sori lupa tuntutan skor TOEFLnya berapa, abis udah lama sih hehehe..
  2. Psikotes. Tahap berikutnya psikotes. Tetep dengan sistem gugur sih, tapi waktu itu di tes ini nggak ada yang gugur kok, congratulation! :)
  3. FGD. FGD ini kayak kuis gitu. Jadi kita diberikan sebuah permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan bisnis dan harus bisa memecahkan di dalam sebuah group discussion. satu grup kira-kira 8-9 orang. Selama diskusi, akan ada pihak pengawas yang bertindak sebagai pemberi poin. 
  4. Interview Vendor. Ini interview sama pihak yang dipercaya BNI untuk recruitment. Masih berkaitan sama kasus yang dibahas di FGD sebelumnya.Di sini ada sistem gugurnya juga bloggie. Yang penting tenang, jawab apa adanya, dan jgn lupa senyum (jangan kebanyakan kaleee ntar gigi palsunya copot).
  5. Interview User. Hufff.. ini nih yang paling bikin dagdigdug dhuuueeerrr daaiiii** hehe. Tapi untungnya karena aku sudah pernah interview waktu tes masuk radio dulu, jadi lumayan bisa mengatasi deg-degan (sok-sok an ih haha). Para peserta yang akan diinterview akan diberikan nomer. Nomer ini menunjukkan penguji mana yang nanti akan meng interview. Banyak temen yang nanya apa aja yang ditanyain waktu interview ini, tapi aku malah bingung jawabnya hehe abis kayak ngobrol aja gitu. Diajak ngobrol soal pacar, soal mau nikah umur berap, gitu-gitu. Malah ane nih yang banyak tanya ke interviewer, ada kontrak ga boleh nikah atau gimana. Kayak mau nikah aja guwehhh haha.
  6. Medical Check up. Yippiiieee! akhirnya sampai ke tahap tes terakhir, med check. Ada tes urine, tes darah (ini nih yg bikin cewek-cewek nangis, aku mah drakuli jadi memper aje diambil darah hehe), rontgen paru-paru, cek fisik, dan mata. Yang paling bikin ga bisa lupa ya waktu tes urine, ternyata waktu kita pipis ditungguin sama si mbak laboran nya cin! Ampun dah. Setelah lolos tes ini, selamat..Anda bisa teken kontrak :D
Cheerss baju kerja pertama yang dipunya nih, mesti dipoto hehe

November nanti aku bakan training di Jl.Lada Jakarta kira-kira selama 6 bulan. Yahhh.. walaupun asing banget sama jakarta apalagi jauh, apalagi LDR, hehe tapi tetep harus dijalani. Yang masih bikin deg-deg an itu tentang penempatannya bloggie, seluruh Indonesia. Awalnya sempet ragu-ragu teken kontrak karena ini, untuk pekerjaan aku sih oke, suka sama yang duit-duit gitu -bukan matrek kaliii- suka juga sama penampilan pegawai bank yang rapih-rapih, tapi kok ditempatin di seluruh Indonesia :( . Doain ya blogie sekalian, aku sih penggennya ditempatin di Kediri, enak smaa ortu, bisa minta uang saku sebelum berangkat kerja (eetdaah dikira anak Sd apa).
Sukses buat blogie semuaaa :D

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Me Love ITC

Dear bloggie.. i have something to share before doing my final project again *sigh*

I love this place. it names ITC. A shopping centre with very "right" price

Every visit this place i always want to shopppinggg huaahhh..
But cant you believe it? i just spend my 30K rupiahs for a clothes, very cheap, but it's lovely one.
This is my picture yesterday when i visited ITC with my man :D

Me at Fashion LIte ITC

Wardrobe :
Top : blue shirt + black bolero
Bottom : Black jegging
Shoes : blue Yongki's wedges
Bag : Nimcopoop's leather brown bag

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Really Errrr Day

I dont know what can i call for this day. I have many many problems. I really tired but i feel like something is want to catch me, they are run behind me and ready to get me!
Yesterday i've got a very small incident, not really injury on my body. But my motorcycle getting weird. So, today, i bring it to the service dealer.
The truth is my motorcycle condition not only bad, but very bad! So, i have to go home because i won't wait it for 6 hours right??
It's okay, i go home by public transportation, not too bad. Just a small pain in my leg because of incident yesterday.
After that, i want to see my supervisor to check my questionaire, but actually he can't. So i go home with very dissapointed.
There are other things that succes make my mood down. A very slow printer, a lecturer, and many more.
Huffttt i want to do something fun really :,(

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dan Detective School

Bloggie bloggie bloggie..
Today i want to share about my favorite manga, anime, and movie. I have been collecting it since i was on junior high, believe it! haha. I love the story, the idea, the character, the plot, all of things inside it, i really love.

My manga collection almost complete. From 22 volumes, i've already collect 14 of it. is not easy to get the comic because it's already old and very hard to find :[
Fortunately, i am a customer of a secondhand manga shop at Surabaya Plaza. Hope i can complete my collections,yeay!
This is Dan Detective School or Tantei Gakuen Q in cartoon and movie.

Kinta, Kazuma, Ryu, Meg, and Kyu ( I Really Love Ryu hehe)
The Manga is so Good. Very recommended

This is the Movie. I still love RYU (casted by Yamada Ryosuke)

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Nanananaa.. i ever share it that lately i love to share my wardrobe hehe..
Okay, in this posting i will share something about my wardrobe in my daily life.

My Buku Angkatan's photo
 Wardrobe :
  Tops : green long sleeves t-shirt + colorful tanktop
 Bottom : Bebe's Legging
Footwear : Yongki Komaladi's Blue Wedges
Accessories :  Green bandana's, circle earings


 Wardrobe :
Tops : Bebe's Green Jacket + St Yves White Shirt
Bottom : Blue Jegging
Footwear : Veme Shoes' Cream Boat
Accessories : -

At the Zoo
 Wardrobe :
Tops : Blue Long Sleeves T-Shirt
Bottom : Blue Jegging
Footwear : Fladeo's Beige Heels
Accessories : Blue Bag

Baby Zoo <3

Wardrobe :
Tops : Long Sleeves Cardigan + Bright Blue T-Shirt
Bottom : Black Hareem Pants
Footwear : Fladeo's Silver Wedges
Accessories : Bandana

Okaayyy,, next i will share more about my wardrobe :D

Wedges and High Heels

Yippiiee Bloggie..
Today i want to share something that i like so much. Yes, it's about my collection of wedges and high heels. Basically, i love that things. Wedges is fun and comfort enough for walk. But for the formal impression i love high heels. This is my collection

My Wedges Collection
Yes that are my collection of wedges. I love this stuff. I am not a brand minded person. I just buy if i like it, everywhere, of course it suitable for my money hehe.. Okay i will share one by one of this wedges :
  1. It's Gratica's. Gratica is Indonesian product and i love it. It is comfort to wear and not too expensive. i bought it when i hang out at ITC Surabaya. But unfortunately, the zipper is broken so i wear it rarely :(
  2. It's Yongki Komaladi's. I love the blue colour. This is my favorite colour. I also love the detail of flower. It is very light in weight, so i love to wear it when i go to mall and go walk far enough. 
  3. The third is Yongki Kamaladi's. I bought it because it is on big sale at that time hehe.. but i love the pastel colour too. Can you believe it that the price is just 45K ? hehe believe it. This is my luck to have a small size in foot :p
  4. It's Nevada's. I love the sponge wedges. Make it light and comfort to wear. I also love the flower detailed. I usually wear it in formal situation and when i have to give any tutorial at the campus. 
  5. It's Connexion's. Wiiwww i love the style of it. It looks like a wood shoes but not the one. I love the motives of the wedges, its colorful! 
  6. Women's. Jeans always being my favorite. I bought this shoes at ITC.
And this is my two most favorite wedges :
My Favorite wedges ;D
  Then, i want to share about my high heels. I usually wear it in a formal situation or when i want to :p
This is my few collections of high heels. Not all in same height, there are 3 centimeters, 5's,7's, and 9's.

My high heels :D

 Yayy, this is it.
  1. It's Bonafeti's. I bought it at ITC. But, very unlucky because i never wear it for a long time, about 1 year, don't know why the size is bigger than my foot :( . I bought in size 39, and now my size is 37, how bad. Actually i love the heels and the leather.
  2. It's Fladeo's. My first impression of this shoes was the color. it is electric blue. Also the detail at the top of this shoes is very interesting. The heels height is just about 3 centimeters.
  3. It's my new one hehe. It's St.Yves. I know that i will need a black high heels at tomorrow, so i decided to buy this. I love the style and the leather. The heels height is 7 centimeters.
  4. This one is my fovorite!! It can be used when i on formal or relax situation. When i wear dress, this one is very match the girly looks. It's Yongki Komaladi's. 
  5. This one is i got from my friend's online shop, named Veme Shoes. It's handmade and make to order, so i have to wait one month to this shoes. I also love it, the heels is so comfort. And this is my first boat hehe..
  6. The last one is Gratica's. I love it because the heels is not too high.
Taraaa! this is my favorite stuffs of all

My Fave High Heels

But in my daily life, especially when i go to campus, i need more comfort shoes. So i usually use low heels or no heels shoes. This one is my favorite shoes. Just look at the shoes, the condition is the sign of be wore often times :D

My Bata, My "Friends" to Campus

This is how i manage my shoes. I never throw away the box. I always put the shoes inside it boxes. And then, i give a note of the shoes on the boxes. It helps me when i want to wear one of the shoes.

How I Manage My Shoes

Small Reunion

I will share something about my friends. We were met at first grade of senior high school. At a class called X-4.
Although it was long time ago, but we are still have a big feeling, feeling like being a new family :).
Each of us has a different occupation, and we are not in the same place, but still the moment of gathering is happen because we want to be together one time :)
This small reunion was happen on the long weekend. I and my four friends did the karaoke and dinner together. Actually the member of X4 not only 5, but at that time just 5 whose can sit together . It's okay.
Thanks for Dyta, Corry, Fendyka, and Safrisal. This is us. Hope we still being together as a friend in entire of our life :)
Dyta, me, corry

Fendyka and Safrizal

Queue before karaoke

Thanks for the Security who heelp us to Take the picture :D

Dinner at Hoka Bento. I taste the Es Sarang Burung. Nice :)
 My Wardrobe (dont know, but i start to love share my wardrobe hehe..)
Top              : Black Shirt
Bottom         : Point One's Blue Jeans
Footwear      : Connexion's Wedges
Accessories  : Purple Watch

Friday, May 25, 2012

Family Time

Happy Long Weekend!
My big family is complete in one place, yippie!
There are my dad, my mom, my big bro Ilung, my big sis Tika, my big bro Dwi, my big sis Novi, my nephews and niece, naila,altaf, attar, and irfan.
At first day, we are going to Kediri TOwn Square. We dinner together and shopping, just a little thing. My dad and big bro have fun at G-Fan, woow superb.
On the second day, we have lunch at Bukit Daun. Unfortunately i forgot to capture the place. The place is very nice and beautiful. My family is the best! Hope it will come again on long week end, come togetherrrr :D

Me and Irfan ,What Happen with my Exspression (T_T)

My Family, My Best ..

Me and Altaf
 My Wardrobe ( although its not photo session hihi ) :
Tops             : Black Tanktop + Blue Knit Shirt
Bottom         : Point One's Blue Jeans
Shoes           : Low heels slipper
Accessories : Purple Watch

Taman Flora Surabaya

This is my most favorite thing, pose in front of camera!!
I'm not a super model you know -sigh- but i like this activity so much. When a camera capture my picture, i dont want to miss the best pose heehehe..
The photo session was happen on may, the one who take my picture is my best photographer and boyfriend named galih :D. The theme of this photo session is "being my self"

This is the results of the photo session, very nice and sweet.

My Personality :)

Sweet, isn't it

Many Things I Like To Do

With Love :*
My Wardrobe :
Tops            : Floral Batwing Shirt
Bottom        : Bebe's Black Legging
Accessories : Owl Necklace, Owl Ring, Circle Earings
Shoes          : Yongki Komaladi's Cream Wedges

Batu Night Square

Yihaaaaa.. this holiday was happened at January. I have a trip to Batu with my boyfriend :)

We have a trip to Jatim Park 2 and Batu Night Square.
This is the picture :D

Kangaroo and Handsome ;p

Very Cute Parrot

My Favorite Picture
At "Eiffel" ?

Feels Like Paparazzi

My Unforgettable Birthday

Dear bloggie..
March 25th, 2012 was my 22nd birthday. The day when i have to leave my 21 years and go through the 22nd years old =,)

No more party like i was on my sweet seventeen. I just celebrated it with every simplicity i have.
On March 24th, i celebrated my bday with my boyfriend :) Just at my home. He gave me a very cute box gift. He prohibited me to open the box before 00:00. But finally he gave the permition to open it at 19 : 00 because i forced him :p Very beatiful gift. A sweet pink dress and a black jumpsuit. I Love it

On the next day, i wear the lovely jumpsuit. It is so sweet and fit my body, LOve it!

This is my birthday celebration with my family at Depot Among Roso.

I, Naila, My Mom, and My Dad

My Brother's Family

Naila and I, How Cute :)

 Thanks for all my lovely people =)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

IODSHAH (I'm on Diet but Still Happy and Healthy )

Hahaha very freak tittle of this posting,you know..
But its real, i'm on diet but still happy. I can eat anything at the afternoon.
Now i have loss 9 kilo's of my weight this is amazing for me..

If you you want me to share with you just ask me  ;)

Final Assignment

Hi bloggie..
I'm on my 8th semester now. It means that i've been doing my final assigment. Oh my God, believe me, the most complicated things in doing this assignment is build up my moooddd..
I've already done the seminar. you know, it is one of my most-nervous-events. I couldn't sleep at night before the seminar. I did the seminar on April,20 2012. Fortunately, i just have many mistake in the proposal, actuaaly not a mistake just a missing thing and the lecturers help me.

After the seminar phheewwww.. it feels like a raindrop after a thousand years of summer ! haha
But the bad news is until now, i never do the assignment again, how bad i am (-______-") .. but  
i promise i'll do it as soon as possible, i have to!

ohh i forget it to tell you the tittle of my final assignment, it is " Evaluasi terhadap Kemampuan Information Sharing dalam Pemilihan Supplier ".
I try to choose the supplier for a apparel named Outbrave Apparel. The measurement for choosing the supplier is the capability of information sharing. So, i planed to do the interview with ten suppliers in order to know how good their inromation sharing capability. I love this topis, because i love communication so much, information sharing is a part of communication. So, pray for my graduation, my career , and of course for my FINAL ASSIGNMENT. I have to done it :)

Long Time no See

Oh my God! it was 6 months since i last wrote in my blog, how bad! hehehe.. i'm so soryyyy.. i forgot the password of this account so i cant do anything :(

Batt Tarrrraa!!! after i try to remember it - with very hard effort - i already remembered the password.
Today i want to share many thingggssss.. i miss to blogging so much.

I mish to share everything in my life :)